RMPh 2024

RMPh Organisation

RMPh Contest

General Information



1.1. Aims of the Romanian Master of Physics (RMPh) are:

  • a. the challenge and encouragement of gifted high school students who are passionate about Physics;
  • b. the fostering of friendly relationships among the students and teachers of the member countries;
  • c. to create opportunities for the exchange of information of school syllabuses and practice within the member countries.

1.2. The Romanian Master of Physics is organized by the National High School Of Informatics "Tudor Vianu" in cooperation with the Mayor of sector 1, the Romanian Scientific Society of Physics and Ministry of Education, Research and Youth..
1.3. The official language of the RMPh is the English language.
1.4. The Romanian Master of Physics is organized once every year. The RMPh 2024 will take place between May 18th and May 22nd, 2024.


2.1. Participation in the RMPh is by invitation only. Invitation should be sent by the RMPh Committee at least one month before the contest day and it should include:

  • a. five students from each invited team. Students must not have formally enrolled at a university or any other equivalent post-secondary institution
  • b. two teachers (Leader and/or Deputy Leader).
  • c. observers including family members (the "Observers") may apply to accompany the Participants and the terms under which they can do so are detailed in sub-clause 3.4 below.

2.2. The official program (the "Official Program") as referred to below is the program and outline itinerary for the RMPh 2024 and associated events and will be marked "Official Program".
2.3. Each invited country wishing to participate in the RMPh 2024 must confirm its participation by completing in full the Form.
2.4. Leaders are responsible for the conduct of the Contestants, and for the avoidance of doubt the Leaders are acting in loco parents for their Contestants except where the RMPh 2024 Organizing Committee has been notified in writing that an Observer has been nominated to act in loco parentis.
2.5. Leaders must ensure that their Contestants know and fully understand clause 5 of these Regulations. They must also make it clear that any Contestant who violates any of these Regulations may be liable to disqualification from the RMPh. In order to avoid any trouble or accident, Leaders must also inform fully their Contestants of the contents of "Important Contest Information for Contestants".
2.6. Leaders of the invited countries and of the two Romanian Teams will form the Jury. The President of the Jury is nominated by the Romanian Organizers and will vote only in case of ballot.

Regulations additional to the Statutes, applicable to this online edition of Romanian Master of Physics

3.1 Hardware requirements
1. Set up and tech requirements:

  • a. each team must have two devices. Each device should have:
    • i. a camera
    • ii. a microphone (microphones must be turned on for the duration of the exam)
    • iii. access to a stable internet connection
  • b. a printer
  • c. a scanner

Device 1 must be set up to observe all participants from 360 degrees (top down) for the duration of the Olympiad. A mobile device with a high-resolution camera and a working microphone can be used for this purpose. When setting up the cameras make sure that:

  • a. the camera is clearly able to see all the participants.
  • b. the camera is placed above the participants making their surrounding area observable.

Device 2 is a backup camera that should make a regular video recording in case the power or internet goes out. This footage may also be used for cross referencing in case suspicious activity is flagged. Please note: video recording uses a lot of space, make sure there is enough free space on the hard drive to store the recording. Please save the recorded video until the Olympiad results are announced. We may request to review the raw footage at any time during the judging process.
The students may go to the restroom during the contest, but they should be accompanied on their way to the restroom by somebody else, not the supervisor from the classroom.
2. The supervisors will receive (an e-mail with) a link for the following documents:

  • a. problems in English
  • b. problems in the national language of the contestants
  • c. contest sheet form

3. After the supervisors collect the written test papers, he/she must immediately take clear scans of each of the relevant pages for each participant.
The written test papers need to be scanned inside the competition room, where the video and audio connection is ON, or in its immediate neighborhood. After uploading the test papers on the platform, please stay with the organizing committee until they confirm that the papers you have sent have been received and everything is ok. After confirmation you can leave the meeting.
If in some countries the mobility restrictions and distancing limitations would make impossible for the whole team to gather at a single location (classroom), and/or for various reasons the hardware requirements could not be met, the Organizing Committee will establish, together with the team leaders, the best possible solutions.
If you consider it necessary, when you are ready, we could check the setup together to see if everything is OK.
3.2 Examination procedures
If there are leaders that consider the test translation necessary, please let us know. In this regard, please send us the name and e-mail address of the leader(s) responsible for the translation. They will meet with the President of the Scientific Committee one day before the competition in a video conference dedicated to the translation process.

Contest Regulations

4.1. The RMPh 2024 contest will take place during two days and should have a duration of 4 hours 30 minutes continuously. The contest shall consist of three problems per day. Each contest will respect the rules of the International Olympiad including the scoring.
4.2. The problems will be given to each Contestant in his/her own language. On request a Contestant may receive the problems in the official language of the event.
4.3. Each Contestant must work independently and submit solutions in his/her own language. The solutions must be written on answer sheets provided by the RMPh 2024 Organizing Committee. Contestants must write on only one side of each answer sheet.
4.4. The only instruments permitted in the Contest will be writing and drawing instruments, such as rulers and compasses. In particular, books, papers, tables, calculators, protractors, computers and communication devices will not be allowed into the examination room.
4.5. Members of the Jury, Observers and any others who have sight of the problems and solutions before the examinations shall do their utmost to ensure that no Contestant has information, direct or indirect, about any proposed problem. They must also ensure that all Contest problems and solutions are kept strictly confidential until after the entire Contest has finished. They will be barred, except for the case of emergency, from having any external communication with Contestants (and accompanying Observers) until the time of the conclusion of the examination. The RMPh 2024 Organizing Committee will provide proper assistance in case of an emergency.
4.6. There will be two categories of prizes: prizes for teams and individual prizes. The prizes for teams will be only for the first three teams according to the descending sum of the best scores in the team.
4.7. Each Contestant shall receive a Certificate of Participation.
4.8. Special prizes may be awarded to particularly meritorious and elegant solutions.